Last week I started to collect information about the popular welding machines which are at a good price level. As I saw, at Hungary the most hobbyist use AWI, TIG and MMA machines for thin plate welding between 145A – 200A output current capacity . The machines are so pricey from the big welding companies, so I will choose a cheaper one.
The best way – in my opinion – a not too big machine between 150-220A with a good duty cycle, where the rated duty cycle is more or less 60%. I found a brand new machine, with 2 years warranty. This machine not too cheap, but an AC/DC TIG machine is always expensive. That’s all.
My AC/DC TIG welding machine parameters:
- Input voltage : 230V AC
- Rated input capacity: max: 12A
- Frquency: 50-60Hz
- No-Load voltage: 60-80V
- Output current capacity: MMA: 5-160A, TIG_DC: 10-200A, TIG_AC: 20-200A
- Duty cycle: MMA: 35%, TIG_DC: 60%, TIG_AC: 60%
- DC Pulse frequency: 5-500Hz
- Start current: 10A
- Current slope down: 0-5sec
- Ip/Ib: 10-90%
- Gas before: 0-5sec
- Gas after: 1-25sec
- AC balance: 20-80%
- AC square wave frequency: 50-250Hz
- HF arc start

200A welding machine
I know, that this machine is not an industrial version, but I hope it will be enough for my hobby.
My cousin helped me to find a cheap Argon cylinder with regulator.
So ordered an AC/DC welding machine, an Argon cylinder (4,7m3 compressed gas), just a carriage is missing, where the welding machine and the gas cylinder will stand.
The next step will be the making of a welding table, a small welding table, where I will working on my excavator.
I ordered an automatic helmet, some tungsten electrodes and some tig rods from ESAB.
Now, I’m just waiting for my accessories…