Sheet metal components… (Arm system_2)

Component design for easy weld and structure compilation from sheet metal components.

To build up the arm components I will use parallel and perpendicular plates. The cross holder parts will be welded between the parallel plates. To fix the sheet metal components each other, I used ears s and holes on plates to connected components. (ears into the holes). It will help during welding, because the compiled structure will hold itself. In some positions the ears length is bigger than the connected plate thickness. With this method, I can use the plus material as welding material. (weld the components with own material).

Here is a sketch:


As you can see, there are some turned components, those will be sleeve houses of the pins. As I calculated the structure weight is around 6-6,5 kg (without bucket, cylinders, pipes…). It is maybe more than I planned, but perhaps enough lightweight.

Here is the 3D model of the arm (just boom and stick).





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